You are here: Fuel Console > POSTEC Interface > Idealpos Settings for POSTEC > POS Screen & Grids POSTEC

POS Screen & Grids POSTEC

When you use the fuel console, you will need to re-program any POS Screens and Grids (Fit to POS Screen) that extend below the bottom 2 rows of available buttons.

This is due to the POSTEC Visual Console requiring room at the top of the screen.



From Idealpos v8 Build 11 and newer, the 1920x1080 (Non-Retail) layout is supported for use with the POSTEC Visual Console.

Note that as mentioned above, the POS Screens and Grids will need to be re-configured (as the POSTEC Visual Console will occupy screen real-estate, which results in the height reduction of the Idealpos POS Screen and loss of access to buttons that would otherwise be available).